We have more Ripened Blueberries than we have ever had, so come and pick them.

As of May 14, 2024 we now have open picking (No Reservations needed) Monday - Friday 9am-1pm and evening picking 5:30pm-8:30pm.

Saturdays and Sundays will require a $2 person reservation at the link below.

Saturdays and Sundays hours are from 9am - 8:30pm.

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays are our main days that we have full staff including serving lunch and opening the petting zoo. Other days will have limited services.

Here is the Reservation Link:



​B l u  B y  U  C o u n t r y  S t o r e

O p e n  D a i l y

​C a l l  9 0 4 - 5 2 5 - 5 0 3 2

Family Oriented

Facebook feed

We have a covered pole barn, a picnic area, a petting zoo, and even more things to do for the kids, including a large sandbox, parachute games, and volleyball.

We also sell local honey, jams, soaps, candles, natural peanut butter, hot sauces and other items in our country store.

U - P i c k   F a r m

9 0 4 - 5 2 5 - 5 0 3 2

We strive to focus on Christ in all that we do, and we love it when we see families come out and enjoy what we have to offer.

Remember to like us on Facebook and tag Blu By U Blueberry Farm in your photos.

Be sure to invite all of your friends!